If so, You’re Invited…
To the 100 Days Content Creation Challenge…
100 days of Encouragement, Support, and Accountability for your content creation goals.
Hosted by Shannon Stoltz
March 7 - June 16
I invite you to spend 100 days with me, creating content - in whatever way that means for you…
In whatever form that means for you -
Written, audio, video, book, blog, podcast, social …
If you are creating content for your business, non-profit, or heart project, you are most welcome to join me for
100 days of encouragement, accountability, and support as you build your body of content to support your projects, your message, your audience.
If you are new to me, I'm Shannon Stoltz, a writer, entrepreneur, and mom to four fabulous (grown) kiddos.
And the founder of Little Bits Media, LLC, where I help mission-driven authors, speakers, and businesses communicate and share their message to make a difference in the lives of others.
For over three decades I’ve been creating content in a variety of formats for businesses, C-level executives, non-profits, and my own personal heart projects. Everything from corporate communications and training, to books, blogs, and social media.
I love creating content - and helping others achieve their goals.
And I would Love to support your content creation goals in the upcoming 100 Day Content Creation Challenge.
There are three key ideas behind the 100 Day Challenge:
If you focus on something for 100 days, it grows.
If you take action - no matter how small - intentionally, consistently (whatever that means for you), it grows.
Little bits of action adds up. Even tiny bits of action adds up. Writing a sentence a day, spending 7 min a day, creating consistently over whatever time period works for you - it all adds up into a body of content. Every little bit adds up.
AND ... Sharing your message - even in little bits, adds up. Creates an impact. You never know how one thing you shared, one idea or story you tell, sparks for someone and makes a difference in their life, and in the lives of others. Creating ripples of impact.
Every day is Fresh. You just keep showing up - however works for you - and keep taking action - whatever that means for you.
Some of us - myself included - will shoot for creating every single day of the challenge. Some may shoot for showing up as they can for the duration of the 100 day.
The commitment is to yourself - your goals - to take action - to be creating content - however that means for you. We’ll be here for you for 100 days.
That’s my commitment to you - to show up with you, for you, for 100 days.
Your commitment is to yourself - to show up for your self, to create content for your audience, to share your message - on whatever timeline you can over the course of 100 days.
You set your goals. I’ll be here to support you, encouragement, and hold space for your own personal accountability.
I’ll be working on my own content creation, right alongside you. As will others who are participating.
There is no behind. There is no failure. There are simply choices, intention, and showing up. You choose when and how.
You choose what and in what format.
Cuz your audience - they need you. They need your stories, your insights, your perspective.
And if that means you show up every day, awesome - even if it's only for 7 min a day. Your goals are yours - whether they are by word count, minutes, deliverables, or number of days you show up and take action... you and your content creation goal are welcome.
Even if that means you show up 2 hours every two weeks, like one of my private clients - then that is what you do.
The goal is to be intentional, and to show up for your content creation goals, together in a supported, encouraging environment for 100 days.
And see what happens.
It is AMAZING what can get done, in little bits, accumulated over 100 days.
Choosing to show up for your goals, for yourself, for your audience for 100 days can create RESULTS.
Transformational results.
I’ve seen it, repeatedly. I’ve seen it in my own business, in my own content creation and in others.
Staying intentional on the action of creating content for 100 days - even in tiny little bits - Builds a body of content, moves you forward in ways that may surprise you.
Just think of
The difference you will make in the lives of others…
How lives will be changed by your message…
The impact you make …
The ripples of impact when other share your message with others
And the transformation in your own life, in your own growth and mission….
…With encouragement, support, and accountability?
If so, I’d *love* to support you and walk the 100 day content creation journey with you.
March 7 - Launch Day - Group Call
March 8-June 15 - 100 days of Action
June 16 - Celebration Day - You Did it! Look at all you Accomplished!
Celebrating how far you’ve come, what you’ve accomplished over the 100 days, however you were able to show up. We celebrate the wins, the progress, the shifts and the body of content.
Cost: $297
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